Windows & Doors
New Window & Door Manufactuiring & Installation
- Sliding Folding Doors
- Sliding Doors
- Windows
- Showers
- Frame less Systems (Showers, Balustrading etc.)
- Custom Made Sun Louvers & Perogolas
- Clear View Burglar Bars
- Security Gates & Barriers
- Door @ Window Automation
- Window Cleaning with a Difference
- Balustrading
- Hulabond Cladding
Pinnacle Aluminium and Glass was conceived after many years of researching the aluminium window and door industry, to bring superior product quality and architectural design into the market at cost effective prices, and YES we have succeeded, and have a solution to the ever increasing prices and sub standard workmanship. With over 15 years of working in the industry and researching the industry and dealing with major consortiums, contractors and suppliers.